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Washington’s Premier Patio Cover and Deck Specialists


Better Homes: Family Owned and Operated Since 1970

Throughout the Northwest region of Washington, homeowners have trusted the Better Homes NW LLC installation team for exterior remodeling services for over 50 years. We remain a family-owned and -operated company dedicated to a great experience with your next exterior renovation. In this time frame, we have come to work with over 10,000 satisfied customers in all of the Pacific Northwest. Our design teams stay up-to-date on the latest trends and designs, while the remodeling crews works fast without skipping any details. We ensure timely and high-quality installations for all of your exterior renovations. When you are ready for an upgrade to your home, give us a call. Expect upfront, honest, and free estimates for all services necessary.

Patio Covers
Decks and Railings
Beautiful Home Deck

Expert Exterior Remodeling Services

Our team will bring to life any exterior renovations you have in mind. We use only the finest materials and skilled installers to ensure the exact project envisioned in the free consultation. Our projects let you enjoy your outdoor area regardless of the inconsistent Northwest weather. You can trust Better Homes NW to handle all of your exterior home improvements and turn your dreams into reality.

deck and railing

Better Homes NW LLC Exterior Options

Trust the Better Homes NW LLC team to handle these exterior options and more:

Enjoy the Benefits of Exterior Renovation Projects

Whether you are looking to add more entertaining areas with a new deck or patio cover or you want to place a dock on your lakefront property, count on Better Homes NW LLC to help get the job done. Industry-leading, comprehensive warranties protect all products to ensure your satisfaction. Our experienced staff can help you design and pick colors or work off your ideas to create something truly unique. We also do all of the work ourselves and do not rely on subcontractors to complete any services.